Laboob Kabir
Laboob Kabir It is natural and good quality unani product is a dry powder tonic (Majoon).
Package contains: Each package contains plastic bottle of Laboob Kabir Tonic 100gm.
It is indicated for:
Potent tonic for sexual organs.
Enhance the production of seminal fluid.
Effective in general and sexual debilit
Improves the functioning of the kidney and bladder.
Each 10 gm contains:
Almond Kernel 100mg Pala Indigi Plant 42.85mg
Chilghoza Kernel 100 mg Zeodoary 42.85 mg
Pistachio Kernel 100 mg clove 42.85 mg
Coconut Powder 100 mg Olibanum Gum 42.85 mg
Walnut Kernel 85.71 mg Dodder Seed 42.85 mg
Salep 71.42 mg Turnip Seed 42.85 mg
Terebinth Tree 71.42 mg Gardan Grass 42.85 mg
Wild Parsnip 57.14 mg Long pepper 42.85 mg
Galangal 57.14 mg Nutmeg 42.85 mg
Virginia Peppergrass 57.14 mg Lichen 42.85 mg
Clary Sage 57.14 mg Carrot Seed 42.85 mg
Ginger 57.14 mg Mace 42.85 mg
Sesame Black 57.14 mg Onion Seed 42.85 mg
Cinnamom 57.14 mg Stock 42.85 mg
Prawn 57.14 mg Silver Foil 4.22 mg
Wild Mint 42.85 mg Saffron 10 mg
Leopard bane 42.85 mg Aamber gris 1 mg
Meadow Saffron 42.85 mg Musk 1 mg
Valerian 42.85 mg Screw pine 10 mg
Nut Grass 42.85 mg Preservatives
Cubeb 42.85 mg Sodium Benzoate 5.35 mg
Radish Seeds 42.85 mg
The above weights of ingredients are taken before extraction, processing and blending in a palatable base.
Dosage: 10 gm (1 teaspoonful) twice a day with milk. Or as directed by a physician.
Instructions: Keep all medicine out of reach of children. Protect from heat, sunlight and moisture. Store at room temprature.
Manufactured & Buying:
You can buy Laboob Kabir Online at this link: